The order of the Supreme Court of 13 April 2023 (II CSKP 8/23)
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involuntary hospitalization
Hospital admission without the patient's consent
Interference with constitutional rights to freedom and bodily inviolability.
meeting all statutory premises

How to Cite

The order of the Supreme Court of 13 April 2023 (II CSKP 8/23). (2024). Medical Law Quarterly, 5(3).


The Mental Health Protection Act allows, in strictly defined cases, for the admission of a patient to a psychiatric hospital without their consent. A crucial aspect of applying these regulations is their very narrow interpretation. It is important to remember that this action deeply interferes with the constitutional rights to freedom and bodily inviolability. A court decision permitting involuntary hospitalization must be based on exhaustive and thorough expert opinions, demonstrating the fulfillment of all required conditions, and primarily guided by the well-being of the patient rather than external parties.

PDF (Polish)


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