The accuracy of GDPR in light of the neurodata processing
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human rights
right to privacy
personal data

How to Cite

The accuracy of GDPR in light of the neurodata processing. (2022). Medical Law Quarterly, 3(3-4).


The aim of this article is to examine the currency of the personal data protection system in the light of the threats created by neurotechnology by analysing the nature of personal data obtained from decoded brain activity or structure. The so-called neurodata presently are identified as a “special categories of personal data”, but unfortunately most neurodata are classified as “personal data”, that makes it impossible to apply a higher level of protection in each case of processing neurodata. The second part of the article presents possible solutions to this problem. First of all, an evolutionary interpretation of the GDPR should be adopted, and then, based on the experience of Chile and Spain, that are pioneers in the field of neurolaw, a new legislation should be initiated at the national level. The most controversial solutions are presenting new fundamental human rights (neurorights) and considering neurodata as more “sensitive” than specific category of personal data.

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